UPMAA 28th Grand Alumni Homecoming

(Source: UPMAA)

The UP Manila Alumni Association is delighted to invite all of you in their 28th Grand Alumni Homecoming this October 23, 2021, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, PST with the theme “BANYUHAY: Pagtugon sa Hamon ng Kasalukuyang Panahon”
To pre-register to the event, please scan the QR code in the poster (please see attachment) or go to bit.ly/UPMBanyuhay2021. We will be sending the Zoom details via e-mail together with other instructions. Alternatively, we will simultaneously cast the event via Facebook Live on this page for those who could not join via Zoom.
If you have inquiries or need for assistance, please feel free to send an e-mail via upmaa.official01@gmail.com.
Thank you and see you then!